10 Words and Terms That Ruin a Resume

Don't let your resume fall victim to clichés and trendy buzzwords. 10 Words and Terms That Ruin a Resume Your resume needs an update -- that is, if your resume is like that of most people, it’s not as good as it could be. The problem is language: Most resumes…...

Avoid the Top 10 Resume Mistakes

Use these resume tips to dodge common blunders that can sabotage your job search. Your resume is often the first contact you make with a potential employer—and that first impression can make or break your chances of getting a job. That’s why writing your resume—and ensuring that it’s spotless—is such an…...

How Jobillus Plus Can Help You Find Jobs

jobillus plus match job candidates with employers, according to our clients hiring needs and the candidates’ preferences and availability. Considering how difficult it can be to find jobs in this economy, it makes good sense to contact us to help you on your job search. Here’s how recruitment agencies like…...

Did you hear about the temp to hire jobs?

In today's competitive job market, many employers want to take the time to find the ideal employee for each job. One way they do this is by offering temp-to-hire positions, also known as contract-to-hire positions. A temp-to-hire position is one in which an individual is hired for a temporary period…...

How to Find a Temporary Job

Temporary jobs can be a great way to gain experience in a new field, try out a new type of job to see if you enjoy it, find work in a new city, get your foot in the door for a permanent position, or allow you flexibility for family or…...

How to Use a Temp Agency to Find a Job

Is unemployment running out? Are your cash reserves getting low? Don't want to commit to a permanent position? Consider a temporary job to help pay the bills. Temporary agency positions are available in just about every career field and location. In many cases, you can apply online to the temp agency of…...